
Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu male

Reg Number KP 80174
Whelped 13 May 2019
Gender Male
Breed Pug
Colors Fawn
Owner Name Muhammad Haris

General Info:

Reg Number KP 80174 Gender Male
Breed Pug Microchip / Tattoo No
Variety Whelped 13 May 2019
Colors Fawn

No common entries in 5 generations

Breeder Owner Muhammad Haris


Sire Hellbent On Magic Guise De Los Ninios | RKF 5633365 Dam Reggae Night Magic Guise |


Awards - Working Title - Show Grading


No common entries in 5 generations



Ammo of House of Champion K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Dame: Sasha of Alpha K9 at House of Champion K9

Whelped: 17 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00252 - Microchip: 999061571021631

Matilda of House of Champion K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: Ammo of House of Champion K9

Whelped: 02 June 2020 - Registry: PK 04578 - Microchip: 900215000799229

Milo of House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: Ammo of House of Champion K9

Whelped: 02 June 2020 - Registry: PK 04579 - Microchip: 900215000799230

Boo House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: Ammo of House of Champion K9

Whelped: 04 January 2021 - Registry: PK 10454 - Microchip: 900215001331834

Susshi of House of Champion K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: Ammo of House of Champion K9

Whelped: 20 February 2022 - Registry: PK 12888 - Microchip: 900215004662995

House of Champion K9 Tweety
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Buli vom Larechs at U.S. Burgg
Dame: Ammo of House of Champion K9

Whelped: 05 May 2018 - Registry: PK 01758 - Microchip: 900079000459527

Luna of House of Champion K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: House of Champion K9 Tweety

Whelped: 03 July 2020 - Registry: PK 04680 - Microchip: 900215000799444

Bella of House of Champion K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: House of Champion K9 Tweety

Whelped: 03 July 2020 - Registry: PK 04681 - Microchip: 900215000799445

Pablo of House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: House of Champion K9 Tweety

Whelped: 03 July 2020 - Registry: PK 04682 - Microchip: 900215000799446

Elvis of House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: House of Champion K9 Tweety

Whelped: 03 July 2020 - Registry: PK 04683 - Microchip: 900215000799447

King Kong of House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: House of Champion K9 Tweety

Whelped: 03 July 2020 - Registry: PK 04684 - Microchip: 900215000799448

Bear House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: House of Champion K9 Tweety

Whelped: 18 February 2021 - Registry: PK 10688 - Microchip: 900215000846556

Sunshine House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: House of Champion K9 Tweety

Whelped: 18 February 2021 - Registry: PK 10689 - Microchip: 900215000846557

Rose House of Champion K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: House of Champion K9 Tweety

Whelped: 18 February 2021 - Registry: PK 10690 - Microchip: 900215000846558

Delicate House of Champion K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: House of Champion K9 Tweety

Whelped: 18 February 2021 - Registry: PK 10691 - Microchip: 900215000846559

Sasha of Alpha K9 at House of Champion K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Iron Super Hero at Royal Hillstones Pugs
Dame: Gingi at Alpha K9

Whelped: 26 March 2016 - Registry: PK 00248 - Microchip: N/A

Pugsley House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: Sasha of Alpha K9 at House of Champion K9

Whelped: 11 December 2020 - Registry: PK 10310 - Microchip: 900215001322483

Ocean of House of Champion K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Audi of Golden Crown
Dame: House of Champion K9 Tweety

Whelped: 11 November 2019 - Registry: PK 03313 - Microchip: 900215000107878

Bony House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: Ocean of House of Champion K9

Whelped: 01 June 2021 - Registry: PK 11375 - Microchip: 900215002972155

Tom House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: Ocean of House of Champion K9

Whelped: 01 June 2021 - Registry: PK 11376 - Microchip: 900215002972156

Inalta Calitate Tag U
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Jackson at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Princess Iness Colection Vorogeya

Whelped: 02 June 2016 - Registry: PK 11819 - Microchip: N/A

Panther House of Champion K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: Inalta Calitate Tag U

Whelped: 20 August 2021 - Registry: PK 11820 - Microchip: 900215001965000

Mini From King of The Ring
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Rocco Vom Ramiro Pugs
Dame: Bullseye Ashal Glamorous Pugs

Whelped: 01 January 1970 - Registry: KP 80711 - Microchip: N/A

Crona of King of The Ring
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: Mini From King of The Ring

Whelped: 03 April 2022 - Registry: PK 14293 - Microchip: 900263000042141

Cherry of King of the Ring
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu
Dame: Mini From King of The Ring

Whelped: 03 April 2022 - Registry: PK 14578 - Microchip: 920001234560218

Show Results:

Date Show & Judge Catalog No Class Grading Rank Awards

Virtual Breeding:

Enjoy Weng Magic Guise bcu