
Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate male

Reg Number KP 33045
Gender Male
Owner Name No Information

General Info:

Reg Number KP 33045 Gender Male
Breed Microchip / Tattoo No
Variety Whelped -

No common entries in 5 generations

Breeder Owner No Information


Sire Fantasy's Own Flava | KC12012/036264 Dam Life Guard's Lovely Girl | KCI2013/003433


Awards - Working Title - Show Grading


No common entries in 5 generations



Life Guard's Fairy at Bulleye Kennel
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Coral Bay Back To The Future
Dame: Mianda's Vava Las Vigas

Whelped: 01 January 1970 - Registry: N/A - Microchip: N/A

Bullseye Ashal Glamorous Pugs
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Life Guard's Fairy at Bulleye Kennel

Whelped: 20 February 2016 - Registry: PK 00490 - Microchip: 941000019012753

Lilly of Sweet Dreams
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Inalta Calitate Nostalgia Back in Time at Desert Woof

Whelped: 24 March 2016 - Registry: PK 00663 - Microchip: N/A

Inalta Calitate Papoular Pug at Golden Crown
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Princess Iness Colection Vorogeya

Whelped: 01 January 1970 - Registry: KP 29830 - Microchip: N/A

Acca of Golden Crown at Pugs Kingdom
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Inalta Calitate Papoular Pug at Golden Crown

Whelped: 20 January 2017 - Registry: PK 01625 - Microchip: N/A

Gorgeaus of Royal Hill Stones Pugs
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Iron Super Hero at Royal Hillstones Pugs
Dame: Akkasha of Royal Hillstones Pugs

Whelped: 30 April 2017 - Registry: PK 01624 - Microchip: N/A

Alako of Pugs Kingdom
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Gorgeaus of Royal Hill Stones Pugs

Whelped: 17 April 2019 - Registry: PK 02686 - Microchip: 900113001411947

Argus of Pugs Kingdom
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Gorgeaus of Royal Hill Stones Pugs

Whelped: 17 April 2019 - Registry: PK 02687 - Microchip: 900113001411948

Ambra of Pugs Kingdom
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Gorgeaus of Royal Hill Stones Pugs

Whelped: 17 April 2019 - Registry: PK 02688 - Microchip: 900113001411949

Amy of Pugs Kingdom
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Gorgeaus of Royal Hill Stones Pugs

Whelped: 17 April 2019 - Registry: PK 02689 - Microchip: 900113001411948

Aagy of Aus der Steinkopf
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Gorgeaus of Royal Hill Stones Pugs

Whelped: 12 July 2021 - Registry: PK 11648 - Microchip: 900215001873296

Adria of Aus der Steinkopf
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Gorgeaus of Royal Hill Stones Pugs

Whelped: 12 July 2021 - Registry: PK 11649 - Microchip: 900215001873297

Ninja of Dog House Kennel
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Gorgeaus of Royal Hill Stones Pugs

Whelped: 10 July 2023 - Registry: PK 14177 - Microchip: 900263000042556

Inalta Calitate Patunia at Apple Kennel
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Princess Iness Colection Vorogeya

Whelped: 01 January 1970 - Registry: KP 29829 - Microchip: N/A

I Phone 6S of Apple Kennel at Leonard's
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate
Dame: Inalta Calitate Patunia at Apple Kennel

Whelped: 23 November 2017 - Registry: PK 10383 - Microchip: N/A

Show Results:

Date Show & Judge Catalog No Class Grading Rank Awards

Virtual Breeding:

Life Guard's Super Hero at Inalta Calitate