
Oden Iness Collection Vensedor male

Reg Number KP 24537
Gender Male
Awards PAK. CH.
Owner Name No Information

General Info:

Reg Number KP 24537 Gender Male
Breed Microchip / Tattoo No
Variety Whelped -

No common entries in 5 generations

Breeder Owner No Information


Sire Irmhof Lir Amarillis | SN12039NR Dam Visteriay Floes | NRFC140988


Awards PAK. CH. Working Title - Show Grading


No common entries in 5 generations



Anna-Bell of Kanine Pets at Ramiro Pugs
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Bonzo Vom Hilltop Pugs
Dame: Candy of Faize King at Kanine Pets Kennel

Whelped: 01 January 1970 - Registry: N/A - Microchip: N/A

Ramiro Pugs of Annie
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Anna-Bell of Kanine Pets at Ramiro Pugs

Whelped: 25 April 2015 - Registry: PK 00149 - Microchip: 978101081235028

Lisa of Alpha K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Iron Super Hero at Royal Hillstones Pugs
Dame: Gingi at Alpha K9

Whelped: 01 January 1970 - Registry: kp 28503 - Microchip: N/A

Cramberry of Alpha K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Lisa of Alpha K9

Whelped: 26 June 2015 - Registry: PK 00157 - Microchip: N/A

Gingi at Alpha K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Mendis
Dame: Sandy

Whelped: 01 January 1970 - Registry: KP 20469 - Microchip: N/A

Bazooka of Alpha K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Gingi at Alpha K9

Whelped: 25 June 2015 - Registry: PK 00158 - Microchip: N/A

Ballerina Of Alpha K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Gingi at Alpha K9

Whelped: 25 June 2015 - Registry: PK 01126 - Microchip: N/A

Asking Vom Agha's at Lahore King's K9 Kennel
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Chubby Black Crush
Dame: Candy of Inalta Calitate at Agha's Kennel

Whelped: 25 May 2014 - Registry: PK 00111 - Microchip: N/A

Boss of Lahore King's K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Asking Vom Agha's at Lahore King's K9 Kennel

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00235 - Microchip: 999061571021513

Sizzer of Lahore King's K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Asking Vom Agha's at Lahore King's K9 Kennel

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00236 - Microchip: 999061571021514

Gold Smith of Lahore King's K9
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Asking Vom Agha's at Lahore King's K9 Kennel

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00237 - Microchip: 999061571021515

Cutey of Lahore King's K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Asking Vom Agha's at Lahore King's K9 Kennel

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00238 - Microchip: 999061571021516

Senty of Lahore King's K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Asking Vom Agha's at Lahore King's K9 Kennel

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00239 - Microchip: 999061571021517

Sweety of Lahore King's K9
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Asking Vom Agha's at Lahore King's K9 Kennel

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00240 - Microchip: 999061571021518

Molly of White Orchid
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Irmhof Lir Gelian
Dame: De Molly Geis

Whelped: 01 January 1970 - Registry: N/A - Microchip: N/A

Inalta Calitate Kiss Me Now at Royal Hillstones Pugs
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Molly of White Orchid

Whelped: 31 December 2013 - Registry: PK 00282 - Microchip: N/A

Molly Vom Rude Plannet at Fantasy Kennel
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Iron Super Hero at Royal Hillstones Pugs
Dame: Dasha of White Orchid

Whelped: 01 January 1970 - Registry: KP 23823 - Microchip: N/A

Queens of Heart's of Fantasy Kennel at K9 Kennel
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Molly Vom Rude Plannet at Fantasy Kennel

Whelped: 22 May 2016 - Registry: PK 01295 - Microchip: N/A

Baby Doll of Fantasy Kennel at The Rock Kennel
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Oden Iness Collection Vensedor
Dame: Molly Vom Rude Plannet at Fantasy Kennel

Whelped: 28 November 2015 - Registry: PK 10758 - Microchip: N/A

Show Results:

Date Show & Judge Catalog No Class Grading Rank Awards

Virtual Breeding:

Oden Iness Collection Vensedor