
Ramiro Pugs of Annie female

Reg Number PK 00149
Whelped 25 April 2015
Microchip / Tattoo No 978101081235028
Breeder Rabeel Awan & Musa Awan
Gender Female
Breed Pug
Colors Fawn
Owner Name Rabeel Awan & Musa Awan

General Info:

Reg Number PK 00149 Gender Female
Breed Pug Microchip / Tattoo No 978101081235028
Variety Whelped 25 April 2015
Colors Fawn

No common entries in 5 generations

Breeder Rabeel Awan & Musa Awan Owner Rabeel Awan & Musa Awan


Sire Oden Iness Collection Vensedor | KP 24537 Dam Anna-Bell of Kanine Pets at Ramiro Pugs | KPFC102837


Awards - Working Title - Show Grading


No common entries in 5 generations



Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Life Guard's Pallor Pal
Dame: Orlando Kwin Isabelle Miranda

Whelped: 27 April 2015 - Registry: PK 00009 - Microchip: N/A

Ramiro's Zoey
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Dame: Ramiro Pugs of Annie

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00288 - Microchip: 991001001199101

Ramiro's Bindu
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Dame: Ramiro Pugs of Annie

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00289 - Microchip: 991001001199102

Ramiro's Eshika at U.S. Burgg
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Dame: Ramiro Pugs of Annie

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00291 - Microchip: 991001001199104

Ramiro's Ava
Female Female | PKC

Sire: Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Dame: Ramiro Pugs of Annie

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00292 - Microchip: 991001001199105

Ramiro's Alcott
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Dame: Ramiro Pugs of Annie

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00293 - Microchip: 991001001199106

Ramiro's Josh
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Dame: Ramiro Pugs of Annie

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00294 - Microchip: 991001001199107

Ramiro's Gula
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Dame: Ramiro Pugs of Annie

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00295 - Microchip: 991001001199108

Ramiro's Aiden
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Dame: Ramiro Pugs of Annie

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00296 - Microchip: 991001001199109

Ramiro's Belen
Male Male | PKC

Sire: Open Heart Elvish Emerald
Dame: Ramiro Pugs of Annie

Whelped: 27 July 2017 - Registry: PK 00297 - Microchip: 991001001199110

Show Results:

Date Show & Judge Catalog No Class Grading Rank Awards

Virtual Breeding:

Ramiro Pugs of Annie