Visiting Judges
Born in Livorno on 8.4.61.
In 1987 he became passionate about the Boxer breed; He collaborating immediately with the historic kennel, in Florence of Dr. Raphael Mariotti, "del David". In 1996 he obtained the affix "di Casa Bartolini", it recognized by the Italian National Cynophile Organization - ENCI and by the International Cynological Federation - FCI. From 1993 to 2002 it was also dedicated to the breeding of the Dogue di Bordeau with excellent results in zootechnical events. In 2002 he created the specialized breed association Italian Boxer Club - IBC, where he holds the position of president. In 2005, following a strenuous work with the ENCI, he obtained the release of the pedigree in favor of the white Boxers.
In 2006 was stipulated an important agreement between the Casa Bartolini kennel and the University of Pisa, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; The agreement signed within the context of the three-year degree course in purebred dog breeding techniques and dog education.
For many years he was a judge and breed specialist in the Csaa sports circuit.
In 2015 he became an international all-round judge as well as a judges' trainer.
In 2016 he judged various Italian and foreign events, including the world exhibition "World Dog Show" in Leipzig and the International Rottweiler Monographic in Madrid, both organized by the ACW.
In February 2017 he was chosen as the only Italian judge at the 2nd International Dog Show, which took place on February 24th in Bahrain by the Alianz Canine Worldwide Federation.
Over the years he has lent his expertise as a judge in several important events in: Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Pakistan, Slovenia, Holland, Siberia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Italy. He has been judging on the IKU circuit for several years.
On 14 March 2017 he was invited by the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa to hold a Seminar with the students of the faculty on "Management of a dog breeding for the production of highly selected subjects and the necessary requirements for participation in exhibitions".
On 4 April 2017 he held a seminar at the Veterinary University of Pisa. Theme, the "Breeding Techniques". He has been a judge and trainer for several years, for the IKU morphology judges, in fact he has held several courses as a trainer both in Italy and abroad.
In all these years his kennel and his dogs have obtained countless titles of beauty as well as sports. Over the years he has published numerous articles in specialized magazines and websites.