Visiting Judges
United Kingdom
Honorable Judge Linda Harvey Major (from the UK) International Labrador Speciality Judge Profile Linda Harvey Major first started showing in 1972 with Labrador retrievers when living in Cornwall. After moving to Devon in 1977, She then lived in a home with Golden Retrievers and Labradors: Whilst in the western country She served on the committee of The West of England Labrador Retriever Club and ran Labrador Rescue (southwest).
Since moving to Wales in 1987 She has served on the LRC of Wales and currently hold the position of Vice Chairman. Her involvement with Labrador Rescue has continued with the re-homing of Labradors in Wales. She is also a member of The Golden Retriever Club of Wales, and The South Western Golden Retriever Club.
Her first judging appointment was in 1986 and She has consistently judged every year to date all over the country. Also judged in Canada, America, and Europe, and first gained Kennel Club status to give ccs in 1999.
She shows every week at open shows and campaign at Championship shows throughout the year with continued success. Many of Her dogs have Junior Warrants, Kennel Club Stud book numbers, Reserve Challenge Certificates, Challenge Certificates, Best Puppy in Breed, and Best of Breed awards.
Over the years She have also owned an Irish Setter male sired by CH Wendover Gentleman, a fawn Great Dane male of Dicarl/Algwynne breeding and a fawn female by CH Janriche Superheat. Her interest in goldens came from Her mentor in the show world - Roy Cooper to whom She shall forever be indebted for the knowledge and showmanship he taught Her. The first Golden male breed by herself was named in his memory, Linjor Coopers Gold. The main influences in Her Labrador kennel have been Heatherborne, Sandylands,Poolstead and Rocheby.
Honourable Judge Linda Harvey Major have been invited by many clubs and countries to judge the dogs shows around the Globe. This has given her the chance to visit so many country's and make so many friends all over the world.
Lab Owners Canada 1990
Mid Jersey LRC USA 1992
LRCW UK 1999
Winnebago USA 2000
Mid Jersey USA 2000
Kecskemeten Hungary 2001
Lab Club Deutchland Germany 2001
Asociacion Club Canino Colombia 2002
Des Osterreichischen Ret Club Austria 2002
Esposizione Internazionale Italy 2002
Weihnachts Stellung Ret Club Switzerland 2003
LTC Piedmont USA 2003
Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore USA 2004
Deutscher Ret Club Germany 2005
3 Redings LRC UK 2005
Italiano Ret Club Italy 2005
Mostra Speciare Int Di Reggio Emilia Italy 2006
LRC Piedmont USA 2006
Exposition Canine Internationale France 2006
Paignton UK 2007
Dansk Ret Klub Holland 2008
LRC Boston USA 2009
LRCC Queens Inc Australia 2009
LRC Harjavalta Finland 2009
LCD Stuttgart Germany 2009
LRC Spain Spain 2009
Labrador Retriever Club of Croatia 2010
Retriever Club of CZ Czech Republic 2010
The French Retriever Club France 2010
St Petersburgh KC ELITA Russia 2011
Welsh Kennel Club UK 2011
Yellow Lab Club UK 2012
South Wales Kennel (Golden Retriever Bitches) UK 2012
Labrador Club Du Quebec Quebec, Canada 2012
The Portuguese Retriever Club Portugal 2012
Labradors Argentina 2012
The Retriever Club of Italy (Labradors) Italy 2012
Dutch LRC Holland September 2013
Sao Paulo Brazil February 2014
RLRC (Labs & Golden Ret) Russia May 2014
NORSK KC (Labs & Golden Ret) Norway 13th September 2014
The Retriever National India November 2014
The Labrador Retriever Club of Wales Bitches UK 2015
Estonia Retriever Society (Labradors) Estonia 21st August 2015
EAST ANGLIAN LRC (DOGS) UK 05th March 2016
SPECIALITIES Sunbury Canine Club (Labradors & Golden Retrievers) New Zealand November 2016
International Dog Show Reggio Emilia Italy 18th/19th March 2017
Retriever Club of France France 22nd April 2017
CWLRC (Lab Bitches) UK 05th July 2017
The Retriever Club of NW Switzerland (Labradors) Switzerland 17th December 2017
Piedmont LRC North Carolina USA February 2018
National Exposition Italy 09th September 2018
Euro Dog Show Belgium November 2018
Bath Championship Show (Labradors) UK 25th May 2019
Swedish LRC Gothenburgh June 2019
Labrador Retriever Club of Slovakia Slovakia 09th September 2019
Nordic Show Kiristians