Visiting Judges
South Africa
International FCI All Breeds Judge & German Shepherd Dog Specialist Judge (Gradings) & Junior Showmanship
Chairman George Kennel Club - Western Cape
(Breed Judging is, Well preparedness, Structure, Passion and the desire to continue to Seek Breed Knowledge)
Born and bred in Johannesburg. Involved with and loved dogs from a very early age as a child grew up with Dobermans. Since 1982, Worked, Bred and Showed German Shepherd Dogs under the affix 'Von Eitzen'. "My Heart Breed" In 1989 worked & showed Border Collies. Imported from Melodor kennels, Scotland, under the affix "Thornliebank;" Receiving high accolades in Obedience, Dog Jumping, Tracking and the Breed Show ring with both these breeds. Owned and Showed one of the first American Akita's from Melodor Kennels, excelling with MBPIS and MBIS Australian Shepherds, successfully shown and owned from 2 prominent Kennels in S.A. for many years. Siberian Huskies, shown and co-owned Foxfire dogs with top honours and BIS awards. Our Imported Russian Male Frosty-Champions received high awards and BIS's. Our present Siberian bitch, from the Belukha kennels, is the top Siberian bitch for 2021/2. Whippets, was involved In successfully campaigning the 'late' Jesrae Kennels and handled Co-Owned World Winner *Int Gr Ch Jesrae Game of Thrones, before he was exported to the Netherlands, where he excelled in Europe & the U.K. I now own his MBIS son from Crème Anglaise Kennels Holland who has been Top SA Hound for 2018 and Runner-up for 2 Years. More recently, imported a bitch from Germany, Royal Cherubim kennels to continue with my Von Eitzen lines.
Involved with and running Clubs since 1985 and achieved the following status:
Obedience Trainer and Judge to KUSA B Test level; Attack Work & Chief Trainer; Breed Handler & Junior Handler Trainer. Breed Judging (since 1984), Breed Assessor/Mentor; Chairman -Durban & Districts KC since 1997 (25 years). KUSA Exco KZN representative 2020/21; Chairman - George Kennel Club 2021/2. JUDGED extensively in my own country - South Africa, Breed & Group Specialities, All Breeds - FCI CACIB & BIS. Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya,Nigeria,Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth & Tasmania (Australia), Australian Junior Handling Finals 2015 Argentina, Canada, Thailand, India, Japan & China