Visiting Judges

Enrique Maté Durán


It was in the early seventies in the UK when working in a Terrier kennel I started to be envolved with show dogs.
My younger brother pushed me and gave me the strength to import our first Irish Setter and a year later a Golden Retriever.
Although my passion have always been Terriers but Scottish in particular.
Soon later we started to show and breed this lovely breed from top kennels 
like “Stuane”, later came “ Bryo” and “Scarista” and for a few years we had big success.
West highland white Terriers were also at home for a several years as well as Kerrys and Chows.
However the breed we have most enjoyed 
in the last twenty years have been Cairn Terriers from Sweden and Scotland.
In the recent years I keep my time judging and enjoy dogs from my brother’s kennel